Konoklota Mahila Bank
Message From the Chair Person
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to Kanaklata Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd through official website of the bank. The website is an important tool for development of the Bank business as it provide up to-date detail and information about all the activities of the bank which will facilitate the members and customers to come close to the Bank. As a chairman of the bank its my assurance that our Bank provides a better and personalized service to all its members, customers and to the society as well. I appreciate the efforts of all Directors of the Bank for the success of the Bank.
In this moment of pleasure, I recall sweet memory of late Probhat Baruah for his able guidance and technical support to strong foundation of the Bank.
In this connection I offer my heart full thanks to Mrs.Lakhimi Baruah initiator of the Bank, and who has worked whole heartedly right from inception of the Bank till now.
If you one already a part of the KMUC Bank Family, I thank you for your trust and confidence on us for the last 17 years, if not I humbly request you to put us to lest. As we continue in our efforts to meet the greater challenge, I would once again like to thank all the members and the shareholders’ for their continued support to the management and the board .
I wish you all a lot of happiness and prosperity.
Ms Sakuntala Devi

Message From the Managing Director
Konoklota Mahila Urban Co-operative Bank of Jorhat is a financial institution which is taking a prominent part in upliftment of economic status of women since 1998. It is the only all women bank in Assam and one of its kind in entire north east India. This official website of the bank contains all the information about Bank’s day-to-day activities along with information such as type of loans, deposits, rate of interest etc. This website is our attempt in creating a sense of fellowship among our members and customers.
Today’s women are steadily moved from the status of housewives to educated, employed and women entrepreneurs. In this regards women bank plays an important role in upliftment of the women. It has been no surprise that women cooperative banking has gone through some tough times over the past few years. It is in these times, organizations realize their strengths and the need to focus on what they do best. We will continue to concentrate our efforts in serving our customers and members and the society as responsible organization that benefit low to moderate income communities.
In this moment, I offer my gratefulness to my chairpersons past and present, All Board members and Professional Directors, past and Present, All Promoters/Shareholder members all their families those who supported us since a long. I also offer my gratefulness to all the customers, Well wishers of the bank. I Thankful to our employees of the bank those who are actively related to the bank’s growing. I also Thankful to Informatix who has design and develop the official website of our Bank.
Happy Banking

Ms Lakhimi Baruah
Managing Director